Current News

  • Dalhousie Divots Newsletter - April

  • Country Week Teams Announced played in Geelong area

  • DDGA 2024 Awards

  • 2024 Men’s, Women’s District Championships – August 11th

  • Country Teams 30th September – 2nd October in the Geelong area

  • Jean Wallder Monday 11th November

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Welcome to Dalhousie District Golf Association


  • Establish pathways, opportunities and support for established and new district players to represent the district across pennant and all golf events.

  • Drive change initiatives that attract new golfers and support golf clubs as vibrant, sustainable community hubs.


  • More golfers in the district playing golf.

  • Making golf accessible, inclusive and a sport for life and fun for men, women, kids and families.

  • More golfers having great golf experiences.

Mission Statement

“To facilitate a club driven, inclusive and sustainable approach to developing the game of golf in the Dalhousie District”

Adopted May 2024

Vision Statement

“Dalhousie District Golf Association provides leadership, direction and support to member clubs to promote the enjoyment of golf”

Adopted 2024

Proudly supported by