Background and Conditions of Play


The IP Mein trophy was donated by Mr Ian Pultney Mein’s widow in recognition for his contribution to District golf including Country Teams Manager for 20 years and Delegate to VGA and Life Member DDGA. The award was introduced in 1962 Senior category and 2010 Junior category.


The award recognises the best performed scratch player over a year at Dalhousie Member Club tournaments.

Conditions each year

1. Players are eligible:

a. a Member of a Dalhousie District Member Club

b. has gained points in 6 events. If more than six scores - the players six best are taken

2. In 18, 27, or 36 hole events the IP Mein points are awarded on the first 18 holes best scratch scores

3. Any player who is a member of the club hosting the event , is ineligible to receive points on the day except during District Championships

4. Allocation of points for the best 10 scratch scores at Club Open Tournaments and District Championship:

a. Points will be awarded to the top 10 players, (10 down to 1). In the event of tied scores, a count back will decide the top 10 players.

b. Allocation of points as per table:

IP Mein allocation of points

1st 10 points 6th 5 points

2nd 9 points 7th 4 points

3rd 8 points 8th 3 points

4th 7 points 9th 2 points

5th 6 points 10th 1 point

5. Prizes will be awarded:

IP Mein prize allocation


$300 and name engraved on IP Mein Trophy

Runner Up




6. In the event of a tie:

Joint winners – 1st & 2nd prize pool

3rd stand alone

Joint 2nd & 3rd – 2nd & 3rd prize pool

1st prize stand alone

1st and 2nd stand alone

Joint 3rd – share 3rd prize pool

7. Prizes to be presented at Australia Day 4BBB event

IP Mein Conditions as per DDGA Match Committee 9th February 2024